Foreclosed House El Monte Verde Consolacion Cebu
El Monteverde de Cebu Subdivision Barangay Lamac Consolacion Cebu
Lot Area (sqm) : 150.00
Floor Area (sqm) : 198.00
Price (Php) : 5,800,000.00
Mode of payment: CASH ONLY
Features of the property
lot is regular in shape
flat terrain
accessible to private vehicles and public transportation
Landmarks / establishments within the vicinity
Saint Therese Church
It is expected from buyers to conduct due diligence including actual physical inspection of the property prior to submitting an offer
Property Classification: Yellow Tag (with special concerns either on title, tax declaration, possession, or other property documents)
Special Concerns:
– Titles under process of consolidation
– Tax Declarations under process of consolidation
– No possession (with tenants, former owner or illegal settlers)
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Misprints and other errors are unintended and do not constitute acts of misrepresentations, intentional non-disclosure, fraud or withholding of accurate details and pricing.
View Details₱19,000,000
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